Frequently Asked Questions
Will a pet sitter care for my pets in my home or theirs?
We will visit your pets in your own home.  This helps maintain their routine as much as possible and makes them more comfortable in familiar surroundings.
Do pet sitters just take care of pets while people are out of town?
No.  Pet sitters are available to care for your pets while you're out of town, but they are also available for daily dog walks, checking on an ill or older pet during the day, or taking your pet to the groomer, vet, etc.
If you’re visiting Chincoteague and plan to visit Assateague, we can sit your pet while you’re at the beach.
How many times a day should I have the pet sitter come visit my pets?
It's best to have a minimum of two visits per day for dogs; three visits would be ideal.
One visit per day for cats is usually sufficient.  We do not do every other day cat care.  Our insurance will not cover us, if there were to be a mishap.
How long does each visit last?
Pet sits and dog walks are 25-30 minutes in length.  Sometimes they run over a little bit depending on circumstances.
Do I pay before or after my return?
We require payment at your initial consultation for first time clients .  Return clients normally leave payment for the pet sitter.  
Do you keep client information/key/alarm codes confidential?
Yes, we do not share client contact information for marketing or any other purpose.
Key Pick-Up.
We will obtain one copy of your house keys during the initial consultation.  Most clients will allow us to retain the keys on file using the Ready Key Program.  Clients who choose to use us time and time again should think about joining our Ready Key Program as we charge $10.00 to return your keys after each visit.  The Ready Key Program is a one time $25.00 fee.
What other services do pet sitters provide?
Pet Sitters get your newspaper, pickup the mail, put out trash, brush your pet, water plants, rotate lights within the home and will open and close curtains upon request. 
Pets are happier at home
(757) 894-1390